Central Park Neighborhood

About the Neighborhood

The Central Park neighborhood meets every month at the Depot Suites and hosts an annual meeting in the summer at a private residence.Current interests include an OSU student housing project on lower campus and Central Park crime and use. The neighborhood is also engaged in a landscape improvement project with the Arts Center.

Boundaries: Boundaries are established by formal bylaws. Bounded by 6th Street (west side) from Washington Avenue to Van Buren Ave (south side), Van Buren Ave between 6th and 12th Sts, 12th Ave (east side) from Van Buren Ave to Monroe Ave (north side), 9th St (west side) from Monroe Ave to Jefferson Ave (south side), 11th St (east side) from Jefferson Ave to Washington Ave, and Washington Ave, and Washington Ave between 11th and 6th Streets.



# of Properties


Zoning Types

RS-9, RS-12, RS-20, CMU-3, MUE, OSU, RS-20
