Historic Preservation in Corvallis: Informational Meeting & Community Dialogue
Calendar Date:
- Learn more about the Corvallis historic preservation program & help guide its future
- Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions of staff
- Feedback received will inform future code amendments and program resources
If you are unable to attend, please consider providing feedback regarding the historic preservation program by completing this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/historicpreservation
Historic Resources Commission Notice of Potential Quorum
Members of the City of Corvallis Historic Resources Commission are invited to attend and it is possible a number of Commissioners constituting a quorum will be present. No formal action will be taken by the HRC at this meeting.
Questions? Contact Carl Metz in the Planning Division at 541-766-6576 or carl.metz@corvallisoregon.gov