Land Development Code

Current Land Development Code (Amended through February 28, 2024)
The Corvallis Land Development Code (LDC) is available in a downloadable (PDF) format or online.

Fully-bookmarked, text-searchable PDF versions of the entire LDC, or individual chapters, are available at the following links:

The online version of the LDC is a service provided by CivicPlus and is updated on a monthly basis based on City Council adoption of implementing ordinances.

Associated maps are found below. Physical copies of the LDC and associated maps are also available for review at the Planning Division and the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library. To purchase physical copies of the LDC and/or associated maps, please contact the Planning Division (call ahead to check availability). Prices are as follows:

  • Full Land Development Code: $42.00 (plus $6.00 for dividers)
  • Printed 18" x 30" color maps (small): $12.00 each, or $15.00 for all five 
  • Printed 36" x 60" color maps (large): $36.00 each

What is the Land Development Code ("LDC")?
The LDC establishes regulations that guide development throughout Corvallis. It is intended to implement the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 

The LDC is divided into four articles:

  • Article I (General Provisions) sets the legal framework and establishes definitions for terms that are used throughout the LDC.
  • Article II (Administrative Procedures) establishes types of land use actions and their review criteria. It also outlines the procedures for public involvement in land use actions. 
  • Article III (Development Zones) establishes the City's zoning designations, with associated permitted uses and development standards. 
  • Article IV (Development Standards) establishes standards for development and redevelopment. These standards typically apply throughout the City, unless otherwise specified in Article III. 

The current LDC was adopted on December 31, 2006, and is periodically amended. The most recent amendments to the LDC are listed in the table below.

Ordinance Title Nature of the Amendment Effective Date
2024-26 Development Standards Adjustment
  • Implement Oregon Housing Land Use Adjustment requirements (LDC Chapter 2.12)
  • Update local variation process - now called 'Development Standards Adjustment' (LDC Chapter 2.12) - to clarify and simplify what standards can be varied through staff-level and Planning Commission-level discretionary approvals
January 1, 2025

Interpretations of the Land Development Code
From time to time, the Community Development Director will issue formal interpretations of provisions of the Land Development Code. Formal interpretations involve a public review process, and allow community members to weigh in on and appeal those interpretations. A historical archive of Director's Interpretations is located here:

LDC Archives
If you would like to view and download previous versions of the LDC, you may do that here: