Obtaining a Parking Permit
Residential Parking District Permit
Please refer to Residential Parking Permits-Guidelines to see if you qualify for this permit.
Residential parking permits for Districts A, B, or C can be obtained in person at Corvallis Public Works, 1245 NE 3rd St. or through the online application found here.
Daily Temporary Parking permits are available at Public Works, 1245 NE 3rd Street, for Residential Parking Permit holders that have guests visiting residences in any of the districts for more than two hours.
For questions about the requirements for visitor permits or the yearly resident permits, please contact Public Works at 541-766-6916.
Contractors performing construction work in residential parking districts can use this form to apply for a courtesy parking permit. Return the completed application to Public Works and allow seven days for processing.
Daily Temporary Parking permits are available at the Public Works Department for guests visiting residences in either district for more than two hours.
Parkway Parking Permit
If you wish to apply for a Parkway Parking inspection and permit, print a Parkway Permit Application (pdf), complete and bring with the $25.00 one-time, non-refundable, non-transferable fee to Corvallis Public Works. Applications may also be obtained from Public Works. The City will conduct an inspection within 14 days of receiving the application to ensure the vehicle fits within the parkway area and will not create a vision obstruction. The permit will be issued upon completion of inspection.
10-Hour Meter Permit
A 10-hour permit costs $56.00 for one month, $166.00 for three months (quarterly), and $606.00 for one year. Ten-hour parking permits are available at Public Works. A 10-hour permit can only be used at spaces with 10-hour meters or 10-hour pay station spaces. 10-hour meter locations can be found on this map.
Yellow and Purple Permit Parking Lots
You must apply in person for a first-time parking permit at Public Works. Renewal notices will then be sent to your home address and you may mail in the fee for the permit renewal. The fee for the permits must be paid quarterly. Yearly payments may be made at the beginning of any quarter in the year (January, April, July, October).
Yellow Lot - 5th and Monroe $125.00/Quarter or $500.00/Year
Purple Lot - 2nd and B $60.00/Quarter or $240/Year
Duplicate Permits
If you drive a different car on occasion, you may purchase a duplicate permit for $5.00 per quarter. Please refer to Parking Lots - Permit & Free for complete details.