Common Code Violations
The following are some of the most commonly reported violations, along with the code citation(s) that may pertain to each type of violation. Development Services enforces violations based on the Corvallis Municipal Code (CMC), State of Oregon Building Codes (ORSC & OSSC), as well as the Land Development Code (LDC). Go to Codes and Standards | Corvallis Oregon for more information on current codes and standards.
Work performed without a permit
Corvallis Municipal Code (CMC) provides for the administration and enforcement of the Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC) and Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) under the title of the City of Corvallis Building Code.
ORSC and OSSC Section R105.1
A permit shall be obtained through application to the building official when constructing, enlarging, altering, repairing, moving or changing the occupancy, or installing any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system regulated by this code. This requirement applies to an owner, contractor or authorized agent who constructs, enlarges, alters, repairs, moves, changes the occupancy of a building or structure; or for the purpose of erecting, installing, enlarging, altering, repairing, converting or replacing any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system.
Unsafe buildings
1) All buildings or structures regulated by this code which are unsafe under the terms of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings are hereby designated as unsafe buildings, structures, or appendages.
2) All such unsafe buildings, structures or appendages are hereby declared to be public nuisances and must be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter and the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings or such alternate procedures as may have been or as may be adopted by this jurisdiction. As an alternative, the building official, or another employee or official of this jurisdiction as designated by the governing body, may institute any other appropriate action to prevent, restrain, correct or abate the violation.
3) Notwithstanding any other provision of local law, including Chapter 5.04 of the Corvallis Municipal Code, appeals of dangerous building determinations/declarations, or determinations/declarations of a nuisance in item 2) above, must be appealed to the Hearings Officer in accordance with this chapter.

Derelict structures
Derelict structures on any premises are hereby declared to be a public nuisance and their presence prohibited.
Definition: Derelict Structure. A building or structure that is unfit for human habitation, or poses an incipient hazard, or is detrimental to public health, safety or welfare, as a result of one or more of the following conditions:
a) Is unoccupied and unsecured;
b) Is partially constructed;
c) Is an abandoned structure or attractive nuisance;
d) Is in condition of deterioration;
e) Has an infestation of pests;
f) Has doors or windows boarded over; or
g) Other condition that in the opinion of the Director is detrimental to public health, safety or welfare.

Noxious and Rank vegetation, weeds, and tall grass
CMC *Period of enforcement, May 15th - September 30th
(1) The City Council declares that rank vegetation, weeds, tall grass, or other noxious vegetation are a public nuisance under any of the following conditions:
a. When excess vegetation is determined by the Fire Chief or their designee to be an fire hazard in accordance with CMC Title 7;
b. When vegetation creates a public safety hazard such as, but not limited to, blocking the view of oncoming traffic, blocking the public right-of-way, or blocking vision clearance areas around intersections and driveways; or
c. When grass, weeds, noxious or rank vegetation is in excess of 10 inches between May 15 and September 30.
i. Exceptions can be granted for parcels of land used for agricultural purposes or that qualify as Naturescape.
(2) It is unlawful for the owner or any person in possession or control of any lot or premises within the city to maintain a lot or premises which is determined to be a public nuisance, fire hazard or safety hazard as set out in this section.

Thickets that Conceal Hazards
Cut and remove and keep cut and removed all blackberry vines and other thickets when such growth is found to be;
1) Concealing trash and debris; or,
2) Creating rat harborage; or,
3) Creating harborage for people involved in criminal or prohibited activity or for products used for criminal activity.

Trash and Debris
Remove, and keep removed, unless specifically authorized by ordinance to do otherwise:
- All garbage, offal, dead animals, animal and human waste, and waste materials;
- Accumulations of litter, glass, scrap materials (such as wood, metal, paper, and plastics), junk, combustible materials, stagnant water, or trash;
- All dead bushes, dead trees, and stumps with the exception of such material which:
a. Is being maintained as part of a naturescaped property; and,
b. Does not result in a nuisance as otherwise defined in this chapter; and,
c. Is located on a property which is otherwise substantially in compliance with this chapter; - All trees which are dead, dying or dangerous and are determined by the City Forester or a private certified arborist to require removal in order to safeguard people or property;
- Accumulations of dead organic matter and yard debris, with the exception of small accumulations of such material in a maintained compost area on the property and only if such material does not result in a nuisance, such as creating rat harborage, as otherwise defined in this chapter; and,
- Accumulations of clothing and any other items not designed for outdoor storage.

Storage of Non-Trash Items
Remove, and keep removed, unless specifically authorized by ordinance to do otherwise:
1) Accumulations of wood pallets;
2) Any woody debris from Elm trees and all firewood that is not stacked and useable. "Useable" firewood has more wood than rot and is cut to lengths that will fit an approved fireplace or wood stove on the property. Elmwood which is infected with Dutch Elm Disease must be properly disposed of at the direction of the City Forester;
3) Accumulations of vehicle parts or waste tires except for storage of nonwaste, serviceable parts or tires that are reasonably expected to be used on a vehicle and are stored in a manner to protect their utility and prevent deterioration;
4) All construction materials except those that are stored in a manner to protect their utility and prevent deterioration and are reasonably expected to be used at the site;
5) All appliances or appliance parts except for storage of appliances that are reasonably expected to be used at the site and are stored in a manner to protect their utility and prevent deterioration;
6) All indoor furniture except that which is stored in a manner to protect its utility and prevent deterioration and is reasonably expected to be used at the property;
7) All recycling materials except for reasonable accumulations that are stored in a well-maintained manner;
8) All other non-trash items which:
a) Are of a type or quantity inconsistent with normal and usual use; or,
b) Are likely to obstruct or impede the necessary passage of fire or other emergency personnel.

Solid Waste Removal
All exterior property and premises, and the interior of every structure, shall be kept free from any accumulation of solid waste.
1) Approved receptacles for solid waste shall be provided and utilized for the containment and disposal of solid;
2) Bulk solid waste shall be disposed of within a week of discard, in accordance with franchise utility services, or approved alternative.

Prohibited parking
No person may park a vehicle:
6) On private property, in any yard adjacent to or visible from a street, except upon a driveway or parking area paved with concrete, asphalt or other hard surface approved by the City Engineering Division, or paved with a gravel surface improved prior to February 7, 1980; provided, however, that the use of such gravel surface shall not be in violation of any other City ordinance. As used in this subsection, “vehicle” includes any vehicle or motor vehicle as those terms are defined in the Oregon Vehicle Code, whether or not the vehicle is operable or usable.