Manufactured Dwellings
When is a Manufactured Dwelling Permit Needed?
A permit is required whenever a manufactured dwelling is proposed to be placed or replaced in a manufactured dwelling park, manufactured dwelling subdivision, or in a residential zone. A permit may also be required for altering, repairing or converting a manufactured dwelling, installing earthquake resistant bracing or constructing a manufactured dwelling accessory structure.
Plans must be submitted for review of commercial and industrial projects. Plans must be drawn to scale and be of sufficient clarity to indicate location, nature and extent of the work proposed.
Who May Purchase this Permit?
The owner of the manufactured dwelling or a contractor registered with the State of Oregon Construction Contractors Board.
What is the Cost of the Permit?
For the placement or replacement of most manufactured dwellings in a manufactured dwelling park the permit fees are:
- Placement permit - $275.00
- 12% State surcharge - $33.00
- State administrative fee - $30.00
- Plumbing permit + 12% state surcharge - $56.00
- Electrical permit + 12% state surcharge - $72.80
For garages, sheds or other accessory structures, or for the placement of a manufactured dwelling on a residential lot, the permit fees are calculated in a manner similar to those for a "stick built" residence, and the structural permit fees apply.
Additional Information
Manufactured dwellings may be placed on residentially zoned lots in the city, provided they meet applicable Land Development Code standards. Requirements for this type of permit application are much the same as for a "stick built" residences (i.e. a site plan, foundation plan, floor plan of the home, and the construction details for the carport or garage).
Placement of a new manufactured dwelling on a previously undeveloped lot in a manufactured dwelling park will be subject to most of the same requirements listed above. In addition, the park may require certain other types of improvements that the applicant would need to indicate on the site plan.
Placement of a manufactured dwelling on a lot in a manufactured dwelling park where a dwelling previously was sited will require submission of a site plan only. Since utilities are already in place and impact fees have been paid, only placement and utility connection fees would be charged.