Keep Fireworks Legal and Safe on July 4

Fireworks on a street

July 3, 2023 - The City of Corvallis is reminding community members to be safe and considerate if they choose to use fireworks over the July 4 holiday.

Dangerous fireworks — including bottle rockets and similar types that shoot balls of fire — are illegal in Corvallis and throughout Oregon. Small-scale recreational fireworks are allowed for use on private property, and the Corvallis Fire Department issues occasional permits for commercial fireworks displays that meet strict safety requirements.

How Can I Enjoy Fireworks Safely?

Community members should practice caution while using fireworks. It is important to note that the firework user or parent is legally responsible for any fire or fire injury caused by a legal or illegal firework. For this reason, it is extremely important for parents to be present with their children at any time they are using fireworks.

When using legal fireworks, here are a few very important safety tips to follow EVERY time:

  • ALWAYS have water available and light fireworks well away from combustible vegetation or structures. Lighting fireworks on a large paved surface, like a driveway, is the safest option.
  • ALWAYS keep pets indoors while fireworks are being used in your neighborhood.
  • ALWAYS have an adult light fireworks, and keep matches and lighters secured at ALL times.
  • ALWAYS light one firework at a time, and move away quickly after lighting.
  • NEVER throw a firework or hold it in your hand once lit.
  • ALWAYS soak used fireworks in a bucket of water overnight prior to discarding in the outdoor trash. Wait 10-20 minutes before picking up a spent firework.
  • NEVER  re-light a “dud” firework! Wait 15-20 minutes and then soak it in a bucket of water.
  • ALWAYS supervise children under the age of 18. Know what they’re doing - YOU are responsible!

Lastly, be smart when purchasing fireworks. Only buy fireworks from a licensed vendor or retail outlet. Choosing to import or use illegal fireworks can be dangerous and will result in fines and penalties.