Trees & Development
One of the most common times for conflicts between people and trees is during construction. If a tree has been slated for preservation during development review it must be protected per the guidelines below and the tree protection plan. Failure to do so may result in fines and delays in the construction process.
Tree Protection Zone:
A “no-go” area around the trunk of the tree, the size of the zone varies depending on the size of the tree in question. This is based on the critical root zone and must be shown on all drawings.
Critical root zone:
The soil area around a tree which can be calculated using the following formula (1.5’ of radius for every inch of diameter at breast height, ex 16” dbh = 24’ radius. This area must be protected from compaction. No excavation, parking on soil or stockpiling of material shall occur within this area without consulting with the Urban Forester.
Tree removal
All trees within the planting strip and even some trees on private property (specifically those listed as significant vegetation or those in a historical area) are under the jurisdiction of the City of Corvallis. When in doubt it is always best to check with the Urban Forester, removal of a city tree without the appropriate permits will result in a fine and/or restitution requirement.
Tree Pruning
Often existing trees have grown to fill whatever available space they can, as such they may require structural pruning to establish adequate clearance for construction related activities. This pruning must be done under a permit from the Urban Forester and must be done by a qualified, licensed and insured tree company. All pruning must be done to ANSI A300 Standards.
Work Impacting Natural Features Inventory
Check your plans against the areas of Natural Feature Inventory which includes Significant Vegetation , Riparian Area and Steep Slope maps. The Corvallis Land Development Code section 4.2 & 4.12 cover all activities impacting vegetation and is the main document providing rules on what activities may be conducted within these mapped areas.