Natural Features Inventory Project

In 2002, the City commissioned work on Natural Features Inventories throughout the Corvallis Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) for streams, wetlands, riparian areas, wildlife habitats, significant vegetation, and tree groves. The consultants, a group of scientists led by Winterbrook Planning, completed these inventories in 2003. These inventories were used in identifying specific Natural Hazards and Natural Resources in the Corvallis Urban Growth Boundary that are now protected according to the Natural Features and Natural Hazards provisions of the Land Development Code, first adopted in December of 2006.



The Natural Features Inventories were conducted as part of a multi-year Natural Features Project. The Natural Features Project consists of inventories of streams, wetlands, riparian areas, flood plains, areas prone to landslides and wildfires, steep slopes, wildlife habitats, tree groves, scenic views, and archeological resources within the UGB. The information is used by the community to establish priorities for future planning in Corvallis, to meet the Corvallis Comprehensive Plan policies, and to meet State of Oregon requirements for natural resource and natural hazards planning. The information also will be available for Benton County’s planning programs. 

The completed inventory information was used by the City as it conducted a process that balanced providing sufficient lands for housing and economic development while protecting significant natural resources. This effort is referred to as the "Land Development Code Update, Phase III". There were many opportunities for citizen input as part of this effort. After receiving comments from property owners and other interested citizens, the City developed a combination of incentives, educational materials, and regulations to protect the significant natural features and reduce the risks associated with natural hazards.


The final inventory information is available both in paper and electronic formats. Contact the Planning Division for more information.

Land Development Code provisions related to development in and protection of Natural Resources and Natural Hazards can be found in Article IV of the Land Development Code.