Beaverton man arrested for Luring a Minor

On Saturday March 25, 2023, Corvallis Police Officers arrested 43-year-old Charles Corriea of Beaverton for Online Sexual Corruption of a Child and Luring a Minor. Officers learned the suspect had been communicating online with who he believed to be a 16-year-old female. The suspect traveled to Corvallis and arranged to meet near a local hotel with a goal of engaging in a sexual encounter with the minor. Corvallis Police Officers quickly intervened and apprehended Corriea sitting in his vehicle near 1550 NW 9th St in Corvallis before he had opportunity to meet the minor in person.


The Corvallis Police Department would like to remind parents of the dangers of communicating with people on social media platforms who may try to exploit minors and the importance of communicating such activity to the police or reporting it to the social media platform specifically. For more information and resources, follow the link below.