Community Comment

CORVALLIS POLICE DEPARTMENT MISSION: To enhance community livability by working in partnership with the community to:

  • Promote public safety and crime prevention through education and enforcement,
  • Maintain the public order while preserving the legal rights of all individuals,
  • Reduce the impact of crime, and Provide effective, efficient, and courteous service.

A positive relationship between the public and its police, fostered by confidence and trust, is essential to effective community policing. To create and maintain an atmosphere of trust, the community must feel free to communicate its questions, concerns, compliments, and complaints to the Police Department.


Everyone enjoys receiving recognition for their efforts. Commendations or compliments, either verbal or written, are one of the best ways to let someone know you appreciate their work.

A commendation or compliment may address any event you deem worthy of recognition. This may range from display of unusual courtesy, compassion, or a service you feel is valuable, to significant lifesaving measures or heroic acts. Your observations are important to us and help our staff do an even better job of serving you.

A compliment for Corvallis Police Department employees may be sent to the attention of the Chief of Police. Citizens are welcome to make comments in person, by telephone, and by note or letter.

You may call us at 766-6924 or submit a Community Comment Form Online.

Your comments will be forwarded to the employee, the employee's supervisor and noted in the employee's personnel file.


It is Corvallis Police Department policy to accept and thoroughly investigate any complaint against police service, policy or alleged personnel misconduct.

What is a Citizen's Complaint?

A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction regarding services or policy, or an allegation of misconduct, including criminal wrongdoing. A citizen's complaint may be made by anyone. However, if the complainant is under the age of 18 years, we ask the complainant be accompanied by a parent or adult. A complaint may be filed by calling the Records Unit at (541) 766-6924, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM or by completing an Online Citizen Comment Form.

The Complaint Process

Once your complaint is received and documented, it will be investigated by a supervisor and reviewed by the Chief of Police and his staff. An investigator will speak with you and clarify your concerns and may interview other persons, including the involved employee. The investigation should be completed within 30 days. The investigator will report to his/her Division Manager and every complaint will be reviewed by the Chief of Police prior to conclusion. The Chief or Division Manager makes the final determination on all formal complaints. You will be notified of our findings when the investigation is concluded. The decision will be one of four findings:

* Sustained - The employee committed all or part of the alleged acts
* Unsubstantiated - There was insufficient information to prove/disprove the allegation.
* Unfounded - The alleged acts did not occur.
* Exonerated - The alleged acts occurred, but were justified, legal, proper, and consistent with policy.

If an allegation is sustained, appropriate action will be taken. Action may involve counseling, verbal or written reprimand, suspension from duty, or termination. The action may also include a policy and/or procedural change.

It is not likely that you will have to testify in any formal personnel hearing as a result of your complaint. The information you provided during the investigation is usually enough to reach an accurate conclusion.

If you are dissatisfied with the results, you may request a meeting with the Division Manager.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, contact: Professional Standards Lieutenant, Corvallis Police Department, 180 NW 5th Street, PO Box 1083, Corvallis, OR 97339 or call 541-766-6924.

Complaints alleging discrimination or racial profiling may be submitted in one of two ways:

1. To the Police Department by calling the Records Unit at (541) 766-6924, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM or by completing an Online Citizen Comment Form

2. To the City Manager's Office using the Employee Behavior Comment Form and submitting it to City Hall - phone 541-766-6901

You may also file these complaints in person at the above addresses.