National Night Out

National Night Out Crew outside during the day

A Corvallis Police Department Crime Prevention Program


First Tuesday of August every year....


What is National Night Out?

Each year Neighborhood Watch groups throughout Corvallis and all across the country celebrate National Night Out on the first Tuesday of August. National Night Out events forge active crime prevention efforts in neighborhoods, strengthen community-police partnerships, and develop better social and communication ties among neighbors. It is also a good time to discuss and develop solutions to neighborhood issues.

Real program success for your Neighborhood Watch group depends on you and your neighbors. That means the social component is key to making Neighborhood Watch work. The more that you and your neighbors get to know and talk with each other, the more you will take ownership of your neighborhood and look out for each other. To make this happen, hold several neighborhood social functions each year to strengthen personal ties and discuss openly neighborhood issues.

With this in mind, we recommend that your Neighborhood Watch group celebrate National Night Out and get together at least three more times a year -- even if it is just for coffee and cookies and a half-hour of hellos and, "Did you know…"

Millions of Neighborhood Watch members in thousands of communities participate in National Night Out. Celebrating National Night Out is a great way for you and your neighbors to unite with the Corvallis Police to form a crime prevention partnership and make obvious that Corvallis does not tolerate crime.

What Happens?

Neighborhood Watch groups hold an evening event of some kind, typically a pot luck or an ice cream social. During visits, officers engage with you and your neighbors to talk over what ever you want to discuss. Officers also hand out party favors and invite kids (and adults) to climb into their patrol cars. McGruff the Crime Dog visits as many parties as many parties as he is able to get to but he usually receives more invitations than he can honor.

Police officers visit all National Night Out events signed up with the Department. Scheduling priority goes to events put on by the Neighborhood Watch groups. Corvallis Police are committed to the philosophy of community policing and, by visting National Night Out events, officers make a personal connections with the people they serve.  Corvallis Police officers are excellent problem solvers and will gladly help your neighborhood find solutions to police-related issues. In short, National Night Out is a unique setting for you to meet and talk with your police officers about your concerns and to ask them questions about police-related issues.

How Do I Register?

Come mid-June, register your event with the Corvallis Police Department. At that time, CPD's Neighborhood Watch Coordinator sends National Night Out information and a call for event registrations to Neighborhood Watch Group Leaders. Your registration puts your group on the list for a visit by a Corvallis Police Officer and McGruff the Crime Dog. To register your event, send an e-mail to (preferred) or you can call 541-766-6863. Be sure to include this information:

  • Registered Neighborhood Watch Group Yes No
  • Neighborhood Watch Group Leader's name
  • Event host's name
  • Event host's phone number
  • Event address
  • Event start AND end times, and
  • McGruff the Crime Dog visit Yes No

How Do I Get A Street Closure Permit?

You can obtain a permit from the City of Corvallis to close off your street for your event by downloading the application sent to Neighborhood Watch Group Leaders mid-June or by going in person to the Public Works Office at 1245 NE 3rd St (541-766-6916). Completed permits and fees are due at Public Works no later than two weeks before National Night Out.

Street closure permit fees and insurance requirements are waived for registered Neighborhood Watch groups and Police Cadets deliver barricades for your street. Other groups must pay all fees, meet City insurance requirements, and provide barricades that comply with City code.

NOTE Registering your event with the Police Department and filing a street closure permit with Public Works are separate events conducted at separate departments and different locations.

How Do I Start A Neighborhood Watch Group?

If you do not have a Neighborhood Watch group in your neighborhood and would like to start one, you can learn more about the program and starting a group at the link below or you can email your questions to and we will help you.

National Night Out Contact Information

Corvallis Police Department
National Night Out Program
180 NW 5th Street
Corvallis OR 97330
541-766-6863 (preferred method of contact)

Other Crime Prevention Programs: 
The Corvallis Police Department provides several other crime prevention programs that are also free of cost. For information, just click on these links.

Business Watch

Corvallis Police 101

Neighborhood Watch

Corvallis Police Volunteer Auxiliary