Police Review Board Request for Review & Hearing Process
The mission of the Community Police Review Advisory Board is to provide the Corvallis community with an objective, unbiased, citizen-based, accessible process for the review of complaints against the Police Department and Police Officers, and to provide the Corvallis community with information regarding the accountability of its Police Department in a way that builds trust and enhances communication between the Police and all members of the community.
To this end, the Board advocates fairness, respect for all individuals, accountability of public employees, equal access to this forum, and open communication of concerns to all community members.
All complaints must be reported to Corvallis Police for investigation and findings. If a you are unsatisfied with the findings of a complaint investigation you may:
- Within ninety (90) days of the date you are advised of the results of the Investigation, file both a Request for Review and a Signed Waiver with the City Manager’s office at 501 SW Madison. The Request for Review must be in writing and include: a description of the police conduct complained of, the desired outcome, and the reason for requesting the review.
- You must attach to the Request for Review a copy of the City’s letter advising the results of the investigation.
- Upon receipt of the written Request for Review and the Signed Release, the Request for Review will be referred to the Board.
Request for Review
The following is a step by step quick reference guide for the Request for Review Process. Click here to review the Community Police Review Advisory Board's bylaws. Trifold PDF flyers outlining this process are available to download under the "Supporting Documents" section below.
- Within 90 days of notification of “findings,” you may file a request for review and a signed waiver with the City Manager’s Office.
- The Community Board shall meet within 30 days of receiving request and conduct a review in "executive session."
- The Board may make recommendations to the City Manager and Police Chief on administrative policies, procedures and training needs.
- If the Board concurs with the "findings," you will be notified immediately by certified mail.
- If you are still dissatisfied with the findings, you can request a hearing within 15 days of being notified of the findings.
Request for Hearing
- The Board will schedule a hearing within 30 days of receipt of request and the hearing shall occur within 60 days.
- Hearing will be conducted with testimony.
- Deliberations will be held in "executive session." The Board will either Concur or Not Concur with the Internal Affairs determination.
- The Board will provide findings and submit a final report within 30 days of completion of hearing. There is no appeal of the final report.