2016 Urbanization Study
What is the Urbanization Study?
The final draft of the 2016 Corvallis Urbanization Study was completed in November of 2016. The City formally adopted the Urbanization Study as part of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment in 2019 (Ordinance 2019-14), which includes 2019 amendments contained in Appendix C of the study.
The study provides demographic and land use data that can be used to inform the community's land use needs and policies over the next 20-year planning period (2016-2036), and includes four key components:
- Buildable Lands Inventory
- Answers the basic question: how much land and of what type does Corvallis have available in our Urban Growth Boundary ?
- Housing Needs Analysis
- Answers the basic questions: what is Corvallis' projected population at the end of the 2016-2036 planning period, and how much housing and of what type will the community need to support that population?
- Economic Opportunities Analysis
- Answers the basic questions: what is Corvallis' project employment growth over the 2016-2036 planning period, and how much commercial and industrial land will the community need to support that growth and our economic development objectives?
- Land Sufficiency / Conclusions
- Answers the basic questions: what is our need for buildable lands over the 2016-2036 planning period for housing and employment, do we have surpluses in certain categories and deficits in other categories?
Why Was the Urbanization Study Conducted?
The city previously completed a study of this nature in 1998 (the 1998 Buildable Land Inventory and Land Need Analysis). Over the years, the community has experienced change in a variety of forms and is nearing the end of the 20-year planning period that last began in 1998.
The need for the information contained in the Urbanization Study is derived from the Oregon Land Use Planning Program, and in particular, Oregon Administrative Rules that direct cities to update their Comprehensive Plans on a periodic basis. Statewide Planning Goal 9 (Economic Development) instructs cities to provide adequate opportunities for a variety of economic activities that the community deems vital to its vision. Goal 10 (Housing) directs communities to provide for the housing needs of its citizens. Completion of the Urbanization Study, and updating the City's Comprehensive Plan Policies and Map based on the needs identified in the study, and based on additional, forthcoming community input is consistent with the planning goals mentioned above.
How Will The Urbanization Study Be Used?
The primary use of the data contained in the Urbanization Study is to inform the land use needs for Corvallis over the next twenty years. Land use needs are satisfied when the community updates its Comprehensive Plan and Zoning maps, and the Urbanization Study is one tool used to inform the public need for these types of map changes. Additionally, the following activities are also supported by the data, analysis, and recommendations contained in the study:
1. Evaluating other types of land use applications such as annexation
2. Informing economic development
3. Amending policies
4. Providing information regarding long range trends and projections for private businesses, non-profits and other government agencies
Project Timeline
- March 2015: City Council is provided an update on the Planning Division work program, and priority is given to a project to update community's buildable lands inventory, in anticipation of long range planning efforts such as the Imagine Corvallis 2040 and updates to the City's Comprehensive Plan.
- May 2015: A request for proposal is publicized, seeking consultant help in preparing the buildable lands inventory and other components of the urbanization study.
- June 2015: City awarded contract to ECONorthwest to begin working with staff, Planning Commissioners, City Councilors, and community stakeholders in evaluating our land use needs for housing and employment.
- September 2015: City Council acknowledged the population forecast for Corvallis and its Urban Growth Boundary through the year 2036, which is based on Oregon's rules for population forecasting.
- June 2016: ECONorthwest completed the final draft of the Urbanization Study.
- August 2016: Staff and ECONorthwest presented the Urbanization Study to City Council at an August 16 work session, and staff were directed to begin community outreach efforts to inform the public about the study, and to seek community input on how best to address the land use needs identified in the study.
- September 7, 2016: Planning Commission Information Session
- September 14, 2016: Public Information Session at Library
- October 3, 2016: City Council formally initiated a Comprehensive Plan Amendment process to begin to address the findings of the Urbanization Study. As part of the this process, the City transmitted the draft Urbanization Study to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) for review and comment. Comments were received on January 11, 2018 from DLCD.
- April 3, 2019: Planning Commission public hearing (to consider adoption of Urbanization Study and related Comprehensive Plan Amendments)
- May 1, 2019: Planning Commission public hearing and deliberations
- June 3, 2019: City Council public hearing (adoption of 2016 Urbanization Study including Appendix C - see Ordinance 2019-14)