Historic Preservation Plan

Historic Preservation Plan

The City of Corvallis, along with consultant Winter & Company, is pleased to present the draft of the City of Corvallis Historic Preservation Plan. The City of Corvallis boasts an extraordinary richness of cultural resources that represent the span of the city’s history and pre-history. Over the past 30 years, the city, in partnerships with other groups such as Oregon State University, and individuals, has established historic districts, designated individual resources and promoted heritage-focused community events. While the community has taken meaningful steps to protect and preserve its historic and cultural heritage, the adoption of City’s first Preservation Plan strengthens its commitment to historic preservation.

The Preservation Plan includes:

  • Vision of Preservation in Corvallis
  • Summary of Corvallis History
  • Overview of Designated Historic Resources within the City
  • Overview of the City’s current Preservation Program along with issues of concern identified through the Plan’s development
  • Plan Goals, Policies, and Actions
  • Implementation Strategy

The Preservation Plan is available here.

Plan adoption

On June 4, 2018, the City Council adopted the Preservation Plan as a supporting document to the Corvallis Comprehensive Plan, along with related Comprehensive Plan policies. The adopting ordinance is available here.

How the Plan was Developed

The City, working with the consultant team, held a series of public outreach efforts where feedback was gathered that was instrumental in the development of the Historic Preservation Plan. These pubic participation efforts included small group discussions focused on items of concern for residential neighborhoods, commercial property owners, design professionals, historic preservation advocates, and Oregon State University; two public workshops (October 2016 and February 2017); and a presentation of an early draft of the Plan in an open house setting (July 2017). These outreach events were advertised on the City’s website and by email to those who had participated in a previous event or who had signed up to receive updates via the City’s E-Notification service.

The comments received through these efforts were used to:

  • Gather general feedback regarding the current historic preservation program;
  • Identify program weaknesses;
  • Establish a vision for historic preservation in Corvallis;
  • Develop goals, policies, and actions to implement this vision;
  • Craft an implementation plan for the Plan’s action items; and
  • Garner feedback regarding other aspects of the Plan.
Plan Resources

Historic Preservation Plan (11.15.17)

Previous Draft Documents


Planning Division, Community Development Department 
501 SW Madison Ave. 
Corvallis, OR 97333 


The development of the Preservation Plan was funded with the assistance of a matching grant-in-aid from the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office and the National Park Service. Regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility operated by a recipient of Federal assistance should write to: Office of Equal Opportunity, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20240.


Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Public Workshop 1, October 2016
Public Workshop 2, February 2017
Public Workshop 2, February 2017 - Neighborhood Activity
Public Open House, July 2017