Affordable Housing Construction Excise Tax Project

Organizations may apply at any time.

*CET funds have been obligated for the current fiscal year.*

Preliminary Assessment
Please answer the following questions:

*If your answer is no, you do not qualify for AHCET funding at this time.

Does your project help create or retain renter and owner housing opportunities that are affordable to low income households or maintain the quality of existing affordable renter and owner housing through rehabilitation?
Is your organization a public or private non-profit organization, public agency, private individual or for-profit entity?
3. Eligible Activities:
  • Acquisition of real property (improved or unimproved) that will result in the provision of housing for low and moderate income households and/or
  • Construction, acquisition and/or rehabilitation of residential property for:
    • Home ownership units that are affordable to households with incomes at or below 120% of the Corvallis area median income.
    • Rental housing units that are affordable to tenants with incomes at or below 80% of the Corvallis area median income.
    • Permanent supportive housing for families or individuals who are homeless.

4. Income Targeting Requirement:

Will your project benefit/serve:

  • People who have at most “moderate income” (120% of median or below) (for home owner projects) or
  • People who have at most "low income" (80% of median or below) (for renter projects)?

Note: where possible, funding priority will be given to projects that will benefit community members with the lowest incomes.

*If your answer is no, you do not qualify for AHCET funding at this time.