Jobs Addition Neighborhood

bicyclists ride around the Jobs Addition Neighborhood.
About the Neighborhood

The Jobs Addition Neighborhood Association was formalized in 2003. The neighbors meet a minimum of 1x per year and host several annual events including a neighborhood BBQ at Franklin Square Park. The association's primary means of communication is a listserv.  The neighborhood used a Neighborhood Empowerment Grant in 2017 to installed Corvallis’ first painted intersection at the 11th and Taylor. Current interests include preserving neighborhood character (size, scale, and relationship to abutting structures) and obtaining a method to collect email addresses for those new to the neighborhood.

Boundaries: Boundaries are defined by formal bylaws. Boundaries include all properties that abut 10th St to the West, all properties abutting 19th St to the East, and by the limits of parallel streets Beca at the top to Tyler St.



# of Properties


Zoning Types

RS-9, RS-20, CMU-2
