Week of 01/03/22 - Neighborhoods
The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.
New This Week
On the Calendar: City Council Executive Session | City Council Meeting | City Legislative Committee | Planning Commission | Council Work Session
Corvallis Parking Program Audit Presentation to City Council - January 6 @ 4p @ Online - The City of Corvallis hired a consultant to audit the City's parking program and evaluate seven different components that affect parking citywide. The City Council will receive a presentation and recommendations regarding the audit findings during the upcoming work session. Read the report. Attend the meeting.
Hwy 99 Facility Plan Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting - January 12 @ 10:30a @ Online - The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) continues to make progress on the Hwy 99 Facility Plan. This planning effort will inform how investments can be made to improve the transportation system in south Corvallis. It will address the safety, comfort, and attractiveness of walking and biking in south Corvallis as well as vehicular safety, mobility, and access on Hwy 99W. A Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) is meeting to provide on going feedback as ODOT progresses through this planning phase. Meeting login details and materials from past meetings are posted on the project website. Visit the website
What is the Strategic Operational Plan (SOP)? - Because it is a new year and the City Council is scheduled to discuss it during this week's work session, it seems like a good time to re-introduce the SOP. The SOP is a companion to the Imagine Corvallis 2040 Vision and lays out the concrete steps the City is taking or planning to support the vision. The SOP is a useful tool for tracking the projects, initiatives, and programs the City is focused on or intends to focus on during the upcoming five-year period. Learn more.
Announcements & Upcoming Events
Change in Occupancy Status - Corvallis has historically limited the number of occupants in a unit to no more than 5 unrelated people. Effective January 1, 2022, cities are no longer allowed to regulate the maximum number of occupants based upon familial or non-familial status. Interim rules and policies are now available on the City's website and are now in effect. The interim rules will remain in place until permanent changes and code amendments that comply with the new State law are adopted. View the interim rules. Ask a question.