Week of 07/12/21 - Neighborhoods
The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.
New This Week
Corvallis Community Center (C3) Summer Concert Series is Underway - July 15 @ 6p @ Chintimini Park - A dynamic blend of smokin’ blues and R&B with a splash of funk, Joanne Broh will get you dancing and wanting more! Pack up your picnic basket and join us for this free summer concert in Chintimini Park. Listen to live music and enjoy the outdoors!
City Council to Discuss Motion to Stop Clean-Ups of Illegal Camps - At the July 6 meeting, City Council tabled a motion to stop cleanup operations of illegal camps citywide until city and/or county staff can present designated camp site options. The City Council take the motion up during the July 19 meeting, when the Council is expected to have further discussions on camp cleanup operations and take action. The motion followed public testimony (1 hour and 25 minutes into the meeting) and Council discussion (2 hours and 45 minutes). Those who would like to provide comment can email to mayorandcouncil@corvallisoregon.gov or sign up to speak at the virtual meeting by contacting the City Recorder at carla.holzworth@corvallisoregon.gov. Find your Ward | Watch the Meeting
Ambassadors Sought for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park Project - The Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department is recruiting a group of community members to volunteer as ambassadors for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park Project as it moves into the detail design phase. The park enhancement focuses on highlighting the teachings, values, and history of Dr. King. During this phase, the master plan will be refined to guide construction of the park improvements. This group will help the landscape architects from Juncus Studios and Corvallis Parks and Recreation staff connect with our community in making decisions that will turn a conceptual plan into a detailed design. The recruitment will prioritize applicants who identify as being part of the Black community or other historically marginalized communities. Click here for more info or to apply!
Announcements & Upcoming Events
Mary's Annexation Appears at City Council - July 19 @ 6p @ online - The Mary's Annexation is an ~118.5 acre site located near the northeast corner of SW 53rd Street and SW West Hills Road. The City Council held a limited public hearing to review the proposed annexation agreement last week and held the record open for additional public comment. The public hearing is limited to the review of the annexation agreement only. Register to attend.
Highway 99 | SW 3rd Street Concept Development Presentation - July 28 @ 5:30p @ Tunison Community Room - The Highway 99 project team, technical advisory committee, and stakeholder advisory group will come together in July to develop design solutions for improving the Highway 99W corridor in south Corvallis. The work will focus on restructuring intersections, providing comfortable and safe options for walking, biking, and transit, and evaluating medians, street trees, and pedestrian crossings. On July 28, the project team will present the design ideas to the public. The presentation will be followed by a virtual open house from August 20 - 30 and community tabling events. New Project Update | Project Website
City Parking Audit - The City of Corvallis hired a consultant to audit six key elements of its parking program and produce a series of white papers and recommendations. The intent of each audit is to evaluate current parking program management practices, policies, and code to determine if inefficiencies are in place, identify strengths, and make recommendations for improvements based on industry best practices and what is most reasonable and feasible for Corvallis. The City is posting white papers, City Council minutes, and invites public input on the project website. Learn more.