Week of 08/16/21 - Neighborhoods
The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.
New This Week
Statewide Mask Requirements for Indoor Settings - The Governor announced new statewide mask requirements that became effective on August 13. The requirements are in response to a rise in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations due to the Delta variant. Fact Sheet | Press Release | Benton County Data
Join Us for a Movie in the Park - August 19 @ Dusk @ Avery Park - Corvallis Parks and Recreation and Friends of Corvallis Parks & Recreation will present How to Train Your Dragon this Thursday. This is a free event and open to the public. Bring your own picnic and games to enjoy before the movie. Food and beverage concessions will be limited to pre-packaged snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. Please leave your pets at home. Learn more.
Highway 99 Open House and Tabling Events - August 20 -30 - At the end of July, the ODOT project team, technical advisory committee, and stakeholder advisory group came together to develop potential design solutions for improving the Highway 99W corridor in south Corvallis. During the workshop, the group mapped out the future of the corridor and considered options for restructuring intersections, such as adding roundabouts and signals, providing comfortable and safe options for people walking, biking, and taking transit, and evaluating options for medians, street trees, and pedestrian crossings. The project team is seeking public input on the ideas gathered earlier in the month. While the changes ultimately identified will occur slowly over time, participating now is the means to shape the road's future. Please make time to be involved in one of the upcoming events. Visit the Project Webpage for more information.
- Online Open House - August 20 - 30
- In-Person Tabling Events - August 25
August 25 @ 10a - 1p
August 25 @ 3p - 6p
City Charter Amendments & Ward 8 Representative on the Ballot - November 2, 2021 - The City of Corvallis will have four items on November's ballot. Information regarding each of the ballot items is now available online and general information regarding elections in our community is available here. Items on the ballot are:
- Ward 8 City Councilor
- Proposed City Charter Amendments - Why is the City Charter Important?
- Measure 2-131: Extending Recruiting Process Filling Vacant City Manager Position
- Measure 2-132: Filling City Council Vacancies by Appointment
- Measure 2-133: Removing Gender Specific Pronouns throughout the City Charter
Announcements & Upcoming Events
On the Calendar: This pilot section offers quick links to events appearing on the City's General Event Calendar. Catch videos from past meetings on Vimeo.
- City Council Executive Session | City Council Meeting | City Council Meeting | Joint City / County Work Session | Planning Commission | City Council Work Session
Middle Housing Code Amendments - The City Council recently received a presentation regarding the Middle Housing Code Update Project, including proposed code amendments to bring Corvallis into compliance with HB 2001. The new law was passed by the Legislature aims to address growth and housing affordability challenges and will increase housing types allowed in lower density neighborhoods. While Corvallis neighborhoods zoned for RS-6 and above already meet the new law's requirements, neighborhoods developed with RS-5 and RS-3.5 designations will be required to adapt to meet the new law. During the work session, staff presented the key Middle Housing compliance issues and draft code amendments that the City Council will consider in the future. Watch the presentation | View Meeting Materials | Ask a question