Week of 08/23/21 - Neighborhoods
The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.
New This Week
Highway 99 Open House is Now Open - Open through August 30 - The Highway 99W Corridor project continues to advance. ODOT's open house outlines the solutions identified during workshops held last month and the project team is seeking public input on the ideas. While the changes ultimately identified will occur slowly over time, participating now is the means to shape the road's future. Please make time to share your thoughts. Attend the online Open House.
If you prefer in-person over online involvement, stop by one of the tabling events happening on August 25
- 10a - 1p: Downtown Farmers Market (NW 1st St) and First Alternative Coop South Store (1007 SE 3rd St)
- 3p - 6p: Crystal Lake Sports Park (100 SE Fischer Lane) and Les Schwab / Bazaar International Market law (2200 SW 3rd St)
Central Park Neighborhood Association Micro-Shelter Initiative - The Central Park Neighborhood Association (CPNA) is undertaking an effort to help to address homelessness in Corvallis. CPNA is holding a fundraiser to increase transitional housing availability. Neighbors are working with Unity Shelter to raise $16,000 to construct, furnish, and place one micro-shelter at a managed site—the exact location is still to be determined. In the last few weeks, neighbors have contributed $7,000 to help get us off to a solid start with a goal of reaching $16,000 by December 1. CPNA neighbors and the broader community are invited to join this effort. Learn more.
Joint Meeting for Wards 6 & 9 - August 31 @ 6p - 7:30p @ online - Councilors Struthers and Chaplen invite neighbors in Wards 6 & 9 to join a joint ward meeting. Paul Bilotta, Director of Community Development, will offer a presentation on Middle Housing and how the City is working to comply with HB 2001. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period and then an open forum discussion on other topics that individuals would like to raise.
Harrison Boulevard Resurfacing - The Public Works Department is publishing weekly construction updates regarding the street resurfacing projects around town, including Harrison Boulevard and 36th Street. Stay informed. PW provides similar details on all projects underway. Check out the Project Page for more information.
Announcements & Upcoming Events
On the Calendar: This pilot section offers quick links to events appearing on the City's General Event Calendar. Catch videos from past meetings on Vimeo.