Week of 09/13/21 - Neighborhoods
The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.
New This Week
Let's Talk Mixed Use - Is it coming to a neighborhood near you? - September 14 @ 7p - 8:30p @ online - A mixed-use zone allows both residential and non-residential uses within an area. These uses can be arranged either vertically within the same building (sometimes called “stacked mixed-use”), or horizontally among different buildings on the same development site. Corvallis 2040 Vision calls for more mixed-use development creating more walkable, bikeable neighborhoods resulting in less driving which would reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lead to a wider variety of housing types, and facilitate interactions among neighbors. The League of Women Voters and the Sustainability Coalition are hosting a presentation about mixed-use in Corvallis followed by a panel discussion. Audience members will have an opportunity to pose questions to panelists representing different interests related to mixed-use. This type of development is expected to become more prevalent in Corvallis in the coming years, so it’s important to understand both the benefits and challenges of mixed-use. Attend the event.
Highway 99W Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting - September 22 @ 10a - 11:30a @ Online - ODOT's HWY 99 Facility Plan Stakeholder Advisory Group will meet to review and discuss the public input gathered through recent outreach activities. The discussion will inform ODOT's consultants in the next step in the project which is to develop two design alternatives that meet the project's vision, goals and performance measures. Councilor Hyatt Lytle serves on the SAG and invites those with questions and comments to email them to her before the meeting so she can share with the ODOT project team. Email Councilor Lytle | Attend the SAG meeting.
Middle Housing Update - HB 2001, passed by the Legislature in 2019, requires cities to adopt regulations by June 2022 that will allow more housing options (e.g. duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, townhomes, and cottage clusters) in areas that are currently comprised of single-family detached homes. To comply with the new law, cities with a population greater than 25,000, must adopt regulations that allow duplexes on every lot where a single-family detached home is permitted and allow other middle housing types in all areas where single-family detached homes are permitted. Paul Bilotta, Community Development Director, provided an overview of the changes on the horizon and participated in a Q&A with the Councilors and residents of Wards 6 & 9. Neighborhoods interested in a similar presentation are encouraged to reach out to their City Councilor. Watch the presentation | View the handout
Announcements & Upcoming Events
On the Calendar: This pilot section offers quick links to events appearing on the City's General Event Calendar. Catch videos from past meetings on Vimeo.
Planning Commission Vacancy - Applications due on October 1 - The Planning Commission is a quasi-judicial board that has an important role in Corvallis' land use. Land use is a lot more exciting than it might sound. This board conducts public hearings on development proposals, takes actions on proposals such as annexations of new land into the City, and it reviews and makes recommendations to the City Council on a range of documents, codes, and plans that impact the way Corvallis looks, feels, and functions. Motivated community volunteers, critical thinkers, and aspiring City Councilors - check out this opportunity. Application Packet | Apply Online | Learn more