Week of 09/20/21 - Neighborhoods
The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.
New This Week
On the Calendar: City Council Meeting | Mayor & Council Compensation Task Force | Imagine Corvallis Action Network | Council Work Session
September is National Preparedness Month - Emergency preparedness is a big and sometimes overwhelming topic. Neighborhoods have an important role to play in emergency response, because all disasters are local. In a disaster, neighbors turn to each other for help. By making connections and developing local resources, neighborhoods will be in a better position to help themselves in the event of an emergency. The Corvallis Fire Department invites community members to be involved in a range of ways. Projects for Neighborhoods | CERT - Community Emergency Response Teams | Learn more about CFD's Diversity Committee and Auxillary opportunities | Invite CFD to your meeting
Mayor & City Council Compensation Task Force - September 21 @ 5:30 @ online - The City Council has formed a task force to consider whether the mayor and city councilors should be compensated for their work. Councilors are unpaid at present, while the mayor receives a $100/month stipend. Task Force members include the nine non-council members of the Corvallis City Budget Commission. The next scheduled meetings of the Task Force are Tuesday, September 21 and October 12. The task force will present recommendations to the City Council later in the year. Submit Comment
Highway 99W Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting - September 22 @ 10a - 11:30a @ Online - ODOT's HWY 99 Facility Plan Stakeholder Advisory Group will meet to review and discuss the public input gathered through recent outreach activities. The discussion will inform ODOT's consultants in the next step in the project which is to develop two design alternatives that meet the project's vision, goals and performance measures. Councilor Hyatt Lytle serves on the SAG and invites those with questions and comments to email them to her before the meeting so she can share with the ODOT project team. Email Councilor Lytle | Attend the SAG meeting.
Corvallis Fire Department's Drive-Through Open House - October 9 @ 10a - 1p @ Benton County Fairgrounds - CFD will host a Drive-Through Open House this year on Saturday, October 9, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Solar Livestock Barn located at the Benton County Fairgrounds. Visitors will drive through the barn to look at Fire Department engines, ladder trucks and rescue rigs, and possibly see Sparky the Fire Dog from the safetyof their vehicles. For more information regarding the Drive-Through Open House, community members can call 541-766-6961 or email.
Neighborhood Gift Circle - Here is a bright idea! South Corvallis neighbors held a gift circle and potluck last week. What is a gift circle? Billed as a "chance to weave community from gifts", this activity is simple to organize and can be added to other events. Neighbors write one thing they need and one thing they can offer on a name tag and then look for connections among other attendees of the event. Examples of things folks need include: use of a ladder, a bike, a ride to the airport. Examples of things folks might offer: garden produce, language practice, plant propagation, and advice on ___.
Announcements & Upcoming Events
ODOT Pedestrian Bicycle Strategic Program Online Open House - Now open - The Oregon Transportation Commission has allocated $55 million in federal funding in 2024-2027 for pedestrian and bicycle projects that will address the areas of most need on the state's highway system. At least $10 million of this federal funding allocation will be used for projects that improve walking and biking access to schools. Please take a look at the proposed pedestrian and bicycle projects in your community that could be funded on ODOT roadways during 2024-2027. Visit Station 3 to see the proposed project map and share your thoughts on the projects.You can find project information by clicking on the orange dots on the map. Please take the survey to share your opinion about projects in your community, your experience with barriers to walking and/or biking at the proposed locations and types of projects you'd like to see in your community if additional funding becomes available. If you'd like to learn more, watch the July 22, 2024-2027 Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategic Program update webinar (approximately 20 minutes) or visit the program website.