Week of 11/08/21 - Neighborhoods
The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.
New This Week
On the Calendar: Historic Resources Commission | Civic Beautification & Urban Forestry Advisory Board | Veterans Day (City Offices Closed)
City Leaders Condemn Bias Crime - Elected officials and leaders at the City of Corvallis reiterated their support for vulnerable and marginalized communities in light of the recent arrest of three individuals charged with assault and bias crimes that included homophobic and transphobic slurs. The incident is being investigated by the Corvallis Police Department and the Benton County District Attorney’s Office. Read the press release | Read CPD news release
Public Works Department to Discuss Future North-South Street Connection with West Hills Neighborhood - November 8 @ 4:00p @ online - The City Engineer will meet with WHNA to discuss the two options identified for a future north-south connector road that would travel from the Technology Loop intersection, north, to West Hills Road and eventually through Marys Annexation Development. Register to attend | Read the Letter
County Commission Defers Site Selection for Justice System - The site selection decision for Benton County’s Justice System Improvement Program has been delayed as Commissioners and program staff review public engagement findings and evaluate all available options. The County Commission Meeting in which a site will be selected is now planned for Tuesday, November 30. A purchase and sale agreement must be made by December 1 for the south site and December 16 for the west site. Read the press release | Visit the website | Sign up for emails
Hello Councilor Tracey Yee! - Tracey Yee has been elected to represent Ward 8 in the Corvallis City Council. Yee will serve out the remainder of the current Council term that ends on December 31, 2022. The Ward 8 seat, representing neighborhoods in northwestern Corvallis, had previously been held by Ed Junkins, who resigned over the summer. Learn more about Councilor Yee | Email Councilor Yee
Announcements & Upcoming Events
Porter Park Playground Improvements Meeting #2 - December 8 @ 5:30p @ Online - The Parks & Recreation Department has received a small grant to help update the playground at Porter Park! As we embark on the planning process, we need your feedback! Share your thoughts, ideas, and aspirations with City staff by attending the virtual meetings, visiting the website, and participating in the upcoming survey. Watch Virtual Meeting #1 | Register to attend Virtual Meeting #2
Turkey Trot is Coming Soon - November 25 - The Corvallis Turkey Trot is the Parks and Recreation Department's largest fundraiser for The Parks & Recreation Scholarship Fund. The Parks & Recreation Scholarship Fund gives low income families and individuals access to programs such as swimming lessons, therapy classes and more. Whether you plan to run or donate, we are looking forward to keeping the momentum of the Turkey Trot going in 2021! Register.