Week of 11/09/20 - Neighborhoods
The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected.
New This Week
Local COVID-19 Check-up - November 10 @ 6:30p @ Online - The City Club of Corvallis will host Benton County Health Directors Charlie Fautin and Danielle Brown, and Samaritan Health’s infectious disease specialist Adam Brady, MD. Panelists will discuss local trends and institutional preparations, along with an updated view of the virus itself. A COVID-19 update will be followed by a discussion with Representative Dan Reyfield regarding the 2021 Legislative Session. Learn more.
Washington Park Neighbors & Friends of Corvallis Parks Meeting - November 14 @ online - Washington Park Neighborhood Association will host a short online discussion with the Friends of Corvallis Parks and Recreation on Saturday, November 14. Contact Audrey.Hatch@gmail.com for more information.
South Corvallis' New Multi-Use Path Naming Survey - November 16 - The City of Corvallis has received a proposal to name the new South Corvallis Multi-Use Path after Eric Austin, a local cyclist who was struck and killed by a vehicle while crossing the street in the neighborhood in 2018. We'd like to hear from you about this proposal. Share your input by November 16 via this very brief survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/crystallakepath.
HOPE Board Posts Priorities & Invites Input - The Housing, Opportunity, Planning, and Equity (HOPE) Advisory Board recently adopted four priority areas and has created a Community Engagement page. A community survey will be released in mid-November and input will shape the policy recommendations planned for January and February 2021. If your neighborhood association would like a virtual presentation on the four priority areas, please contact the HOPE Advisory Board Coordinator.
Announcements & Upcoming Events
Low-Income Assistance for Monthly City Services Invoice - The City of Corvallis has launched a new assistance program to help low-income community members pay their City Services bills. Applications are being accepted now, and the new program will go into effect on January 1, 2021. Learn more.
Corvallis Bike Share Plan - Learn more and Take the Survey to tell us your thoughts on bike share!
A Partner for Neighborhood Associations - The Friends of Corvallis Parks & Recreation can help your neighborhood seek approval and fundraise for a park enhancement project! Learn more and visit lovecorvallisparks.org.