Week of 12/20/21 - Neighborhoods
The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.
New This Week
On the Calendar: City Council Meeting | City Office Closed December 24
Circle Blvd Survey is Now Open - The City of Corvallis initiated a pilot project in 2020 to re-stripe a portion of Circle Boulevard in north Corvallis to remove one lane of travel and add buffered bike lanes in each direction. The Public Works Department is seeking feedback on this pilot project to share with the City Council, so please review these questions and share your thoughts. This survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. This survey is open to our entire community! Take the Survey.
Benton County Fair Board to Discuss Design of New Facilities - December 20 @ 6p @ Online - The Benton County Fair Board will review and discuss proposed designs for the fairgrounds during their regularly scheduled meeting. Learn more.
Porter Park Playground Improvements Survey Due this Week - Deadline is December 22 -The Parks & Recreation Department received a small grant to help update the playground at Porter Park. Over the past several months, Parks staff have collected thoughts, ideas, and preferences through an online survey and two online meetings. Survey closes December 22! Take the Survey
Change in Occupancy Status - Effective January 1, 2022, cities are no longer allowed to regulate the maximum number of occupants based upon familial or non-familial status. Interim rules and policies are now available on the City's website and become effective January 1. The interim rules will remain in place until permanent changes and code amendments that comply with the new State law are adopted. View the interim rules. Ask a question.
Announcements & Upcoming Events
Hwy 99 Facility Plan Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting - January 12 @ 10:30a @ Online - The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) continues to make progress on the Hwy 99 Facility Plan. This planning effort will inform how investments can be made to improve the transportation system in south Corvallis. It will address the safety, comfort, and attractiveness of walking and biking in south Corvallis as well as vehicular safety, mobility, and access on Hwy 99W. A Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) is meeting to provide on going feedback as ODOT progresses through this planning phase. The next SAG is scheduled for January. Meeting login details and materials from past meetings are posted on the project website. Visit the website