
Engineering at 36th & Harrison

Engineering work in Corvallis is part of the Engineering and Transportation Division, which provides technical support and guidance to the organization, department and community on infrastructure services.

The division plans, designs, manages, and monitors all public improvement projects established in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and the privately constructed public facilities. Ongoing support activities include master facility planning, CIP planning and implementation, development proposal review, Planning Commission support, land surveying, design standards, construction standards and specifications, mitigation plans, utility and traffic engineering, special studies, public outreach and neighborhood meetings.

The Engineering and Transportation Division also helps provide orderly movement of goods and services and protects public health and safety through a number of diverse services including streets, street lights, sidewalks, bikeways, public buildings, vehicle fleet, radio and telephones, mapping services, municipal airport and industrial park, public transit, and neighborhood traffic calming. The Division manages programs and services to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips by providing alternate modes of transportation and providing transportation demand management services. Many services are performed through public agency and private partnerships.