Transportation System Plan
The Corvallis Transportation System Plan Volume 1 (TSP) (adopted by the City Council December 20, 2018) is a long-range plan that implements the transportation element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. It considers all modes of travel and provides guidance on how to invest in the transportation system through a combination of projects, policies and programs to meet travel needs as the city grows.
The TSP 1) establishes a system of transportation facilities and services to meet the current and future community needs, 2) serves as the transportation element in the Comprehensive Plan, 3) serves as a long-range plan that is incorporated into the Corvallis Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Regional Transportation Plan, and 4) is required by the State Transportation Planning Rule.
2018 Transportation System Plan Volume 1
Development of the TSP included extensive public outreach and input that included a project website, project fact sheets, project newsletters, stakeholder emails, media releases, local media coverage, newspaper and online advertising, project social media accounts, outreach to youth and schools, Spanish-language outreach, project videos, a Technical Advisory Committee, a Mayor appointed Steering Committee, focus workgroups, a community-wide survey, information tables at Community events, two community open houses, project briefings to the Corvallis City Council (29 times), the Planning Commission; the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board; the Airport Advisory Board; Downtown Advisory Board; Park, Natural Areas and Recreation Advisory Board; and the Garfield PTA Latino Parent Group.
2018 Transportation System Plan Volume 2
The creation of the TSP took more than four years, during which thousands of pages of background and working materials was produced in the form of technical memoranda. Those materials were packaged into the TSP Volume 2 (not adopted into the City Comprehensive Plan). The contents of Volume 2 represent an iterative process in the development of the TSP. Refinements to various plan elements occurred throughout the process as new information was obtained. In all cases, the contents of the TSP (Volume 1) supersede those in Volume 2.
Through these efforts, the project received more than 1,650 community comments. All the public outreach efforts and community comments received are available in the Public Involvement Summary.
TSP Active Transportation Toolkit
The Active Transportation Toolkit provides a menu of possible design treatments which are referenced broadly in the TSP itself. Engineers and transportation planners can use the design concepts contained in the Toolkit as they work toward specific solutions for the Corvallis community outlined in the TSP.