CDBG and HOME Funding Opportunities

CDBG and HOME Request for Proposals

*The City of Corvallis FY 24-25 Human Services Fund RFP is now closed*

Project checklists for CDBG and HOME FY 24-25 Capital Project proposals were due no later than 12 pm (noon) on March 14, 2024. Information regarding the RFPs will remain on this webpage for those who submitted a project checklist and were invited to apply until Capital Project applications are due no later than 12 pm (noon) on April 25, 2024.

For additional information on the CDBG program, click here.

For additional information on the HOME program, click here.

**FY 24-25 CDBG and HOME Capital Project RFP Revision Summary**

In the CDBG and HOME Informational Class facilitated on January 11th, City Staff identified a minimum funding request for CDBG applicants at no less than $75,000 and for HOME applicants at no less than $100,000. This was not included in the formal RFPs by mistake and therefore updates to the FY 24-25 CDBG and HOME Capital Project RFPs have been made to include these thresholds. Updates to submission dates have also been included to allow time for prospective applicants to make updates to their Project Checklist. 

  • CDBG and HOME Project Checklists were due no later than 12 pm (noon) on Thursday, March 14th, 2024.
  • Please see relevant RFPs for full updates, which are highlighted.

Additional Resource Materials

January 11, 2024 CDBG and HOME Informational Class

Presentation slides


CDBG Human Services Fund Applicant Handbook

CDBG Applicant Handbook Capital Project

2023-2027 Corvallis Consolidated Plan



Additional Resources and Requirements

Shelter and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Grantees

Please note, beginning in 2022 all funding awarded by the City of Corvallis will require providers to utilize the local Coordinated Entry Priorities List of local people experiencing houselessness for filling their openings in their Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), Rapid Rehousing (RRH), Transitional Housing (TH) or other non-transient shelter facilities. 

Coordinated Entry is based on data in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Additional information on Coordinated Entry can be found at the following locations:

Grantees shall obtain required data entry training for designated staff and adhere to the standards for data completeness and accuracy set forth by the Continuum of Care.

Fair Housing

All housing and shelters except for exempt transient shelters must comply with Federal, State and Local Fair Housing regulations to prevent housing discrimination. Additional information on Fair Housing can be found at:



CDBG and HOME Documents

2023-2028 Consolidated Plan

2018-2023 Consolidated Plan